What is a CorelDraw Macro?

Download CorelDraw Macros

What is CorelDraw Macro? How to use a CorelDraw Macro?

Macro is a small program made with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). If you know about programming, you can create powerful features, as you can find here on scritpsnmacros.com, but if you don’t know about programming, you can also use it anyway. Simply, you can use it as a recorder, you can save all steps and save the macro. Then, you can repeat the same steps with the same document or with another document. Just go to the Tools menu / VisualBasic or Scripts (Depends upon version of software you are using).

If you want to store a recorded macro for future use, you can save it by using the Record Macro dialog box. Saving a recorded macro is particularly useful if you want to extend or customize its functionality by editing it in the Script Editor.

Record Macro Dialogue Box

How to record and save a macro in CorelDraw

Download CorelDraw Macros

Do one of the following:

  • Click Tools > Scripts > Start recording, or click the Start recording button on the Macros toolbar, to store the macro in the default macro project for recordings.
  • In the Scripts docker, click the project in which to store the macro, and then click the Record button .
  • The Record Macro dialog box appears. In the Macro name box, type a name for the macro.
  • Macro names can contain numerals, but they must begin with a letter. Macro names cannot contain spaces or non-alphanumeric characters other than underscores ( _ ).
  • Type a description of the macro in the Description box, and then click OK.
  • Perform the actions that you want to record.
  • The application begins recording your actions. If you want to pause recording, do one of the following:
    • Click Tools Scripts Pause recording. Repeat this step to resume recording.
    • Click the Pause recording button on the Macros toolbar or in the Scripts docker. Repeat this step to resume recording.
  • To stop recording, do one of the following:
    • Click Tools Scripts Stop recording.
    • Click the Stop recording button on the Macros toolbar or in the Scripts docker.
    • Press Ctrl + Shift + O.

On the link given below you can find a list of all CorelDraw Macros:

For those who have CorelDraw Macros and doesn’t know how to install a macro can go through the below post.

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